Floatbot as AFDB’s Virtual Assistant Served 5,000+ Unique Users in 54th Annual Meeting
AFDB launched virtual assistant powered by floatbot for its 54th annual meeting 2019 held at Malabo
- Jan 13 2024

African development bank launched Virtual Assistant for their guests visiting 54th Annual meeting at Guinea Malabo in 11-14 June.
African development bank group which is one of the well-known financial institution comprising of multiple African and non-African countries promoting economic and social progress in Africa launched chatbot powered by floatbot to facilitate guests visiting the meet.
The annual meeting had 4 day schedule with multiple events. To provide the ease with all kind of accommodations to the guests, a chatbot was launched on their website as well as Andoid and iOS mobile applications.
The bot was build in two languages – English and French with all kind of accommodation and events related information.
AFDB virtual assistant helped guests with:
- Registration
- 4 days Programme details
- Venue
- ATMs nearby
- Hospitals
- Hotels
- Emergency contact
- Featured event
- Wi-Fi services
The bot was capable of understanding complex user queries related to events and accommodation.
Few queries triggered by users:
Total messages triggered to the bot were more that 45,000 with 5,000+ unique usuers as shown in below statistics. The virtual assistant turned out to be very useful to the guests.
Key Takeaway:
The African Development Bank launched a Virtual Assistant powered by Floatbot to enhance the experience of guests attending its 54th Annual Meeting in Guinea Malabo. This chatbot, available on their website and mobile apps, provided valuable information on registration, program details, venue, accommodations, nearby services, and more. With over 45,000 messages triggered by users and 5,000+ unique users, the Virtual Assistant significantly improved the event experience.