Have you Embedded the Modern way of Payment?
Make easy for people to buy your products or services through chatbots, get easy payment configuration with floatbot.
- Apr 20 2018

Be it any kind of business, our world floats around payments. In any industry, payments play a crucial role.
We have seen how with time the payment models have evolved, and now there is a new addition in this process.
With changing models, we kept changing ourselves to make the customer experience(CX) with the brand more effective. Now payment via chatbot is the latest addition to add up to the CX. We are all aware of the chatbot, but setting up a payment chatbot is the actual game changer for many brands.
Here are the reasons why payment via chatbot is a good idea:
- A customer can complete the processing of buying without any hassle.
- When they make a purchase decision, they don't have to juggle between different web portals.
- Increase in the usage of the brand. When a brand becomes one point destination for everything then why will the customer look for other marketers in your niche? This payment gives you a competitive edge.
- Save a lot of time. Few simple clicks, adding details, and the task is done. No fuss, no hassle.
- 100% security of information shared by both the parties.
Looking at these points you might think of setting up a payment gateway, but the complexity of making it is keeping you bay?
With Floatbot, it becomes much easier to configure payments as you don’t need to do any coding to make the payment option available on the bot. All you need to do is select your payment gateway, add the details, and you are ready to accept payments.
Our pre-configured payment gateways are Razorpay, PayPal and Paytm. Read more about how to configure these payment modes in your chatbot. After configuring your payment gateways, you will see a buy button in your workflow that will allow the customer/users to directly buy the product/service.
They will only have to add their details and the process will be completed.
As a brand, question of security and confidentiality of the information might trouble you. But the details are 100% secured and confidential. As the details entered by the users are entered into the payment gateway application. There is nothing saved on the chatbot.
Take a quick look how a bot works when payment is configured with it - Payment chatbot demo.
To know more regarding such kind of bots contact us right away.