Why are you still Offline? Your Customers are Waiting for You Online !!
People love to chat and buy in messages, and therefore every business needs to come online with chatbots. Include chatbots in your business strategy.
- Feb 12 2018

January, just feels like yesterday. A new month has already come. From the first month plan for your business goal to all the modification you will need to make. Of all the things that did not work out or points that you missed incorporating. One thing, you must have considered but didn’t think of it as a white horse for your business – Chatbot.
It may seem like an overstated term but as per a report by venture beat, 80 percent of all companies want to incorporate chatbots into their business models by the year 2020. It is time for you to fall under this category because it is changing the traditional ways of communicating with the users.
Let us consider an example to understand how chatbot will be a best practice for your brand:
Assuming, you have an exclusive fashion range in your area. Even after a social media presence, having a website and marketing your product yet the results are not at par. Read below to know the one reason why
Are you Messaging them?
A chatbot helps to interact on platforms, where your audience are actively available. These bots function in such a way that it keeps the audience continually engaged with you.
Conversation leads to engagement and engagement leads to buying. One happy customer is a seed that will grow into a plant. By attracting their friends and family.
A well-designed chatbots lets you lead a path for your customer. Considering, Valentine’s Day is around where you can lead to the special offer in the store, new collection and customized gifts. This can be done through a unique iBeacon support feature on Floatbot.
This is all because 65% of customers want to message their business.
Messaging makes shopping more convenient. There is no rocket-science went it comes to Chatbot, it is just hitting the nail on the right head.
Quick 5’s on Chatbot being the Best Practice for you:
- Interactive marketing, leading to rich customer experience
- Your brand is always awake. Working 24*7
- Helps scaling your business as per your customers
- Size of your company doesn’t matter. How well planed the chatbot is, that matters!
- Efficiency in handling customer query
These bots are the biggest influencer any brand could have. And these influencers don’t come with great budget. They are cost effective and time efficient.
Re-consider your plan and put chatbot in your February business goal.
Why not plan it together? We are just a call away.