Integrate floatbot in Android App
Integrate chatbot in Android App, Now Floatbot integration is available in Android App. It is possible to integrate chatbot inside your android app.
- Dec 22 2017

Floatbot integration is available in Android App. It is possible to integrate floatbot inside your android app. Along with floatbot integration one can also register for sending broadcast messages and enable iBeacon support for android app. You can also set mobile number to identify returning users in your App.
To integrate floatbot SDK follow below steps:
- To integrate floatbot SDK follow below steps:
- Depending upon FCM or GCM, call methods using different functions (checkout developer section).
- Add maven { ... } part of code like below inside project level build.gradle file.
- Open build.gradle inside module that will use floatbot and simply add a dependency. .
- To start using Floatbot in android app, write FloatBot.startChat(this,”Bot ID”,”Token”,"Bot name") anywhere in your activity/fragment.
The detailed steps of android integration are explained under developer section.
Benefits of integrating Floatbot in Android App
- Business can broadcast messages through floatbot and engage customers by sending regular updates. .
- With the help of iBeacon technology, any business can notify about offers and discounts to nearby people.
- App users get replies to their queries inside the App itself.
- It becomes easy to identify the returning users in the App, and this helps in gathering information about their past experience.
Floatbot integration is available in iOS App.