Integrate Floatbot with iOS app
Integrate chatbot in iOS, Now Floatbot launches iOS integration. Floatbot SDK supports iOS 8.0 & later. Follow these steps to integrate chatbot in your iOS App
- Dec 23 2017

Floatbot launches iOS integration. Now you can integrate floatbot inside your iOS App. Floatbot SDK supports iOS 8.0 and later.
Follow below steps to integrate floatbot
- Download latest Floatbot framework.
- Go to build phases for your app target
- Add the frameworks to the Link Binaries with Libraries list.
- Add a New Copy Files Phase by selecting the Add icon. Set the Destination field to Frameworks, and add the framework to the list. Ensure Code Sign on Copy is checked.
- Add flbAssets.bundle to copy bundle resources of your project.
To configure floatbot iOS SDK in your app, you will need BOT ID and Token from the Settings page.
Visit Developer page and follow detailed configuration steps.
Create Floatbot Today and integrate with your iOS App!!.
Floatbot integration is available in Android App.